Traffic AGM

Date : 5 January 2019

Time: 8.00 – 9.30 am

Venue: Class A5

On the 5th of January, Warden Traffic held their annual AGM in class A5. This activity started at 8.00am and ended at 9.30am.

The activity kicked off with the introduction of teacher advisers of Warden Traffic. Firstly, Mr. Tan gave a talk, explaining the new rules as well as new expectations for Warden Traffic in 2019. This was followed by the president announcing the activities and special duties of year 2019 using swipe. While listening, the members jotted down the date of the activities in their notebooks. Then, the committees explained the new promotion test system to the trainees who are taking their promotion test this year. The committees also went through the rules of Warden Traffic and announced some new rules as well as reminding the members not to make mistakes that are stated. Furthermore, the members are also requested to give their opinions to our society for improvement.

After that, the committees announced the board of committee members of year 2019. The members who are chosen were given a briefing about their tasks and responsibilities by their respective seniors.

At 9.30am sharp, the AGM ended successfully and the members were dismissed.

The teachers are giving a talk for Traffic AGM 2019.

The committee is taking attendance of the members.


The members are listening attentively to the committees.


The new committee chosen is given a briefing about her tasks and responsibilities by her senior.




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Date: 9 June 2018

Time: 7.00 – 11.30 am

Venue: Moon Gate

On the 9th of June, Warden Traffic held their annual hiking and outing. The activity started at 7.00am and ended at 11.30am. All members were required to attend but some members were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

Early in the morning, all members gathered at the moon gate. The activity kicked off with the ice breaking session in the basketball court. All members enjoyed the games prepared by the Form 2 students.

Then, accompanied by our adviser teacher, all members started to hike. All members were required to hike to Gate 3 and everyone made it to reach there. Upon reaching, all members started to rest and talk, as well as playing some small fun games too.

After taking a group photo at Gate 3, all members hike down the hill. At 11.00 am, our hiking ended successfully.

Say ‘cheese’~  Our group photo at Gate 3.

The members are playing game in the basketball court.

The members who lost in the games were punished to ‘duck walk’ up the stairs.

On the way to our destination.

Taking a break while playing some fun games at Gate 3.



Day Camp and Quiz

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Day Camp and Quiz

Date: 14 April 2018

Time: 8.00 am – 12.00 pm

Venue: Class C15 and C16, canteen, Taman MPPP

On the 14th of April, Warden Traffic held their quiz and day camp. The quiz was mainly about the traffic and road safety rules. The one-hour-quiz started at 8.00am and ended at 9.00am. Everyone did their best to answer the questions. All the members are required to attend but some are absent due to others activities and personal reasons.

After having the quiz, all members gathered at Carpark 2 and they were divided into a few groups for the day camp. The day camp was proposed by the Form 2 members. A sort of interesting games and activities were held. All members enjoyed the activities prepared very much and had a fun day.

At 12.00pm, the quiz and day camp ended successfully.

The Form 2 members are preparing the ‘punishing tools’ for the members.

The Form 2 members are doing preparation for the day camp activities.

The members are playing the ‘shaking ping pong balls out of the box’ game.

The members are discussing the clues found to solve the tasks.

The members are searching for clues in the classroom together.

During this challenging game, the member tries her best to cross over the lines carefully.

The Form 2 member is explaining the rules of the game to the other members.




Orientation and Promotion Test

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Orientation and Promotion Test

Date : 7 April 2018

Time : 8:30 – 10:30 am

Venue: Class A3 and A4

On the 7th of April, Warden Traffic held an orientation for the Form 1 and Form 2 new members. The objectives of the orientation are to welcome the newbies to join us, being part of Warden Traffic, as well as introducing Warden Traffic to those members and explaining their jobs as a Warden Traffic. The activity started with the committees explaining the rules and annual activities of our club to the new members. Mr. Tan Ban Leong, the teacher adviser also gave a short speech to welcome and advise the new members. Then, the new members were divided into a few groups led by the committees. The committees led them to different duty places and explained their roles when on duty. All members were required to attend but some members were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

Besides, at the same time during the orientation, Warden Traffic also held a promotion test for all the form 2 and form 3 members. The objective of this promotion test is to test the members about the rules of Warden Traffic and some extra knowledge about Warden Traffic too. The exam was held at class A4, invigilated by the Form 3 and Form 5 committees. The exam started at 8:30 am and ended at 10:30 am. The promotion test was divided into two main sections, the paper test and the oral test. The members who took part in the exam did their best to answer all the question in the test paper, as well as the oral test.

At 10:30 am sharp, the orientation and promotion test successfully ended.

The committees are conducting the orientation as well as welcoming and explaining our rules to the new members.

The members are listening attentively to the committees.

The Form 2 and Form 3 members are concentrating and trying their best when answering their paper test for their promotion test.

The Form 2 member is taking her oral test whereas the committees are listening while jotting down her answers.

The committee is explaining the roles when on duty to the new members near the basketball court.




Training Camp 2

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Training Camp

Date: 10 February 2018

Time: 8.30 – 10.30 am

Venue: Afternoon session teachers’ car park

On the 27th of January, Warden Traffic held their second training camp of the year at the afternoon session teachers’ car park. This activity started from 8.30 am to 10.30 am. All of the members were required to attend but some were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

The objective of this training camp was to train and improve the members’ marching skill, as well as to foster relationship between the members. The experienced seniors helped to guide the new members to march. Above all, the members improved their marching skills although it was only a short period of learning time. At 10.30 am sharp, the members were dismissed.

The senior is giving marching commands to the juniors while the juniors respond to the command immediately.

The members are listening attentively for the command.

The seniors are checking the standing position of the members when in rest.



Training Camp

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Training Camp

Date: 27 January 2018

Time: 8.30 – 10.30 am

Venue: Afternoon session teachers’ carpark

On the 27th of January, Warden Traffic held their first training camp of the year at the afternoon session teachers’ carpark, from 8.30 – 10.30 am. All the members were required to attend but some were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

The objective of this training camp was to increase the relationship between the members and to improve the members’ marching skill. Seniors who are experienced in marching helped to teach new members to march. The members improved their skills although it was only a short period of time learning. At 10.30 am sharp, the members are dismissed.

The senior members are marching.

The junior members are marching.

The members are lining up and waiting for command.

The members are listening attentively for the command.




Traffic AGM

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Traffic AGM

Date : 13 January 2018

Time: 8.00 – 9.00 am

Venue: Class A7

On the 13th of January, Warden Traffic held their annual AGM in class A7. This activity started at 8.00am and ended at 9.30am.

The activity kicked off with the president announcing the activities and special duties of year 2018 using swipe. While listening, the members jotted down the date of the activities in their notebooks. Then, the committees explained ways to duty at different places for the trainees who are taking their promotion test this year. The committees also went through the rules of Warden Traffic and announced some new rules as well as reminding the members to not make mistakes that are stated in the rules. Furthermore, the members are also requested to give their opinions to our society for improvement.

After that, the committees introduced the teachers in-charged of Warden Traffic and announced the board of committee members of year 2018. The members who are chosen were given a briefing about their tasks and responsibilities.

At 9.30am sharp, the AGM ended successfully and the members were dismissed.

The members are listening attentively at the committees.

Introduction of the board of committee members of year 2018.




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Date : 5 August 2017

Time : 8:00am – 1.00pm

Venue : Afternoon and morning session teachers’ carparks

On 5th of August, Warden Traffic held their annual “aktiviti mengecat” which includes painting the carparks, barricades and no entry signs. The activity started at 8.00am and ended at 1pm. All members were required to attend but some members were absent due to other activites and personal reasons.

The members were divided into five groups and were assigned to different places such as Carpark 1(Afternoon session teachers’ carpark), Carpark 2(Morning session teachers’carpark), the road in front of the foyer, beside the basketball court and beside the super corridor. The members brought their own gloves and empty cans to fill the paint. The members painted the carparks, barricades and no entry signs. They cooperated well and made the work efficiently done. At 1pm, the activity ended successfully.

The member is painting the GK words on the carpark space.

The member is painting the road hump.

The members are painting the barricades.

The member is painting the white line.

The members are painting the carpark space.

The members are painting the morning session teachers’ carpark.





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Date : 22 July 2017

Time : 7:30 am-11:30 am

Venue : Youth Park

On the 22th of July, Warden Traffic held their annual hiking trip at Youth Park. The activity started at 7:30a.m until 11:30a.m. All members were required to attend but some members were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

The activity started with an ice breaking session . All the members enjoyed the game organized by Form 2. After that, all the members started to hike accompanied by our adviser teacher. All members were required to hike until Gate 3. After reaching Gate 3, some members  started to rest and play some fun games. In the meantime, the other members continued to  hike to Gate 5.

After waiting for the members at Gate 5 to come down, everyone took some photos and started to hike down the hill. At 11:30, the activity ended successfully.

Ice-breaking session before hiking.

Playing games prepared by Form 2 members.

Participating in the ice-breaking session.

Taking a break while hiking.

Resting at Gate 3 while some of the members continue to hike up until Gate 5.




Gotong Royong and Training Camp

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Gotong royong and Training Camp

Date : 15 July 2017

Time :8:30 am-10:30 am

Venue : Carpark 2 ( Morning session Teacher’s carpark )

On 15th July 2017 , Warden Traffic held their second gotong royong and training camp at Carpark 2. The activity started at 8.30am and ended at 10.30am. All the members are required to attend but some are absent due to others activity and personal reason.

The activity started with the training camp. The objective of this training camp is to improve the members’ marching skills. Senior members taught the junior members how to march. After that, the members were divided into 2 groups and cleaned the supercorridor. The members wiped the steel fence and swept the floor.


At 10.30am, the gotong royong and training camp ended successfully.

Senior members are teaching the junior members to march.

The members are in marching form.

Some of the junior members are in a smaller group to learn.

Senior member is teaching the junior members.

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