Date:29 November 2019



Attendance: 66 people

On the 29th of November, warden traffic organised a farewell party for Form 5’s warden traffic. The activity started at 900a.m. and ended at 1330p.m.All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members gathered at auditorium for attendance.Foods were prepared.Members gathered in the canteen to have their food.Form 1,Form 2,Form 3 and Form 4 students were asked to prepare some interesting performance such as dancing and singing.Form 5 members enjoyed those performance .Lastly, all members took a group photo together.

At 1330 pm sharp , the activity ended successfully.

Form 5 members

Form 5 members

Form 2 performance

Group photo


Date:27 July 2019


Venue:Carpark 2

On the 27th of July, warden traffic organised a’ persediaan mengecat’. The activity started at 830 and ended at 1030am . All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members gathered at carpark 2 for attendance.Mmebers were asked to bring cardboards before the activity. Members were given the measurement of the cardboards  ‘T’, ‘L’ and “I” shape. Those cardboards were cut according to the measurement so that it will be easy for members to paint .Some members measured the cardboards and some of them helped to cut them into shapes needed. Members cooperated well and managed to make a lot of them.

At 1030 am sharp , the activity ended successfully.

Members gathered together.

Measuring the cardboard.

Measurement for cardboards “T”, “L” and “I”.

Cutting cardboards.


Date: 20 July 2019


Venue: Carpark 2

On the 20th of July, warden traffic organised a gotong-royong. The activity started at 830 and ended at 1030am . All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members gathered at carpark 2 for attendance.After that, members were split into groups to clean the supercorridor and traffic’s counter.All members cooperated well to clean the corridor and counter . Waste banner were throw away in th cupboard and raincoats were fold tidy.The corridor looked clean after members sweept and cleaned it.

At 1030 am sharp , the activity ended successfully.

Vice president told members what to clean in the counter

Members folding raincoat.

Members cleaning corridor.

Members cleaning corridor.





On the 6th of July,  warden traffic organised a quiz . The activity started at 830 and ended at 1030am . All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members  were asked to sit for the quiz.The quiz was about some traffic rules and wareden traffic rule’s.After the quiz, we had a kahoot section. All members connected and logged into the kahoot web. Members were asked to answer the question before the time end.They had fun through the games.

At 1030 am sharp , the activity ended.

Form2 . Form 3 , Form 4 and Form 5 members sitiing for the quiz

Form 1 members sitting for the quiz

Kahoot section !


Date: 22 June 2019

Time: 830-1130a.m.

Venue: Block 93 corridor, C1 , C6 , C15 , A7

On the 22th of June, Form 2’s warden traffic organised a daycamp. The activity started at 830 and ended at 1130am . All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members gathered at carpark 2 for attendance. The Form 2 members then informed members about the rules of games . Members were divided into 10 groups and were asked to name their group and thought about a slogan. There were a lot of fun games such as passing the balloons, scary box ,’ 蹲,蹲,蹲’ and others.Punishment were included to punish the lose team.Form 2 organisers were happy as their hardwork paid off, every members were enjoying the station games . It was very successful!

At 1130 am sharp , the activity ended.

Members made a big circle

Members were divided into groups and introducing their group name and slogan

Scary box !


Date: 15 June 2019

Time: 7.00 – 11.30 a.m.

Venue: Moongate Carpark

On the 15 th of June, warden traffic held a hiking activity. The activity started at 700 and ended at 1130am. All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

All members gathered at the moongate carpark. Members were told to bring sufficient water and had their breakfast before the activity. Before the activity, members did some warm-up . The hiking activity started leading by the teacher -in -charged. Although they were very tired, they still managed to make their way to the end after an hour of walking. Members had fun throughout the activity.

At 1130 am sharp, the activity ended successfully.

Members gathered at moongate .

Members doing their warm- up.

Group photo !

Date : 18 May 2019

Time : 8.30-10.30 am

Venue : Class A5, A6, A7

On the 18th of May, Warden Traffic held a camp ( Kem Interaksi & Komunikasi ). The activity started at 830 and ended at 1030am. All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

This camp was the first time being organised by the comittee. It was a success. During this camp, members get to know each other through ice breaking games. Members must work together to win the games. They had lots of fun. Around 10.00 , the comitee talked about some situations when warden traffics will faced during their duty and several ways were given to help them solve the problems.

At 1030 am sharp , the activity ended successfully.

Ice breaking game

Station games

Station games


Date: 20 April 2019

Time: 8.30 – 11.30 am

Venue: Class A5, A6, A7

On the 20th of April , Warden Traffic held an orientation day and promotion test. The activity started at 830 and ended at 1130am. All members including new Form 1 and Form 2 members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

There were a lot of  Form 1 and Form 2 students joining traffic this year . The activity was held to tell the new members about traffic rules and daily duties.The Form 2 members who joined traffic last year will take the promotion test this year . They took the paper test from 830 – 930.After that , they were told to teach the new members about the duties and demonstration .

At 1130 am sharp , the activity ended sucessfully.

New Form 1 and Form 2 members

New Form 1 and Form 2 members

Form 2 members taking the promotion test

Form 2 members explaining duties to Form 1 members



Date: 16 March 2019

Time: 830am-1030am

Venue: D2

On 16 March 2019,Warden Traffic held a meeting .The meeting started at 830am and ended at 1030am. All members were asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.

The meeting was held to update members of the new traffic rules and new duty. New traffic rules were updated to ensure disciplines of all members and make sure members be responsible for their duties. In 2019,a new building was built up and there was a zebra crossing . All Warden Traffic that are going to perform their duty at the zebra crossing must make sure the safety of all students .

At 1030 am sharp, the meeting ended sucessfully.

Commitee are updating the new traffic rules to all the members.

Commitee explaining the new duty.

Gotong- Royong & Mengecat
Date:28 January 2019
Time: 8am – 11am
Venue: Carpark 2
On 28th January 2019,Warden Traffic held a gotong royong & mengecat activity which includes cleaning the corridor and painting the carparks. The activity started at 8am and ended at 11am. All members are asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.
All members were divided into few groups and were assigned to different places such as , carpark 2 , foyer and beside the corridor.They cooperated very well and made the work efficiently done .
At 11am sharp, the gotong- royong & mengecat activity ended sucessfully.

Preparation for mengecat

Members painting.

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