On the 18th of June, the promotion test for form 2 and 3 members was held at class 401 and 402. The test started at 8:00am sharp. They arrived in time to take the test. They did their best to answer the questions on the paper.

While they were taking their test, other members were marching at Carpark 2. Senior members taught the new members the basics of marching. After the test has ended at 10:00am, marching came to a stop and all members gathered to clean the super corridor for the second gotong royong.

Some members did not attend this activity due to personal reasons and other activities. At 11:00am, the promotion test and 2nd gotong royong ended successfully.





28th May 2016, it was the orientation day for new members. Warden Traffic recruit a total of 17 new members. The objective of this orientation day was to introduce the rules and regulations of the society including the duty posts and things that they have to pay attention to while they’re on duty. The activity started at 8am in class B4 and ended at 10am. All members were required to attend no matter new or former but some members didn’t turned up due to other activities or personal reasons

The activity started off with a short yet fine speech by our vice president and some introduction of our 2016 committee list.

Then, it came to the self-introduction session where the new members introduce themselves to let the other members know them. After that, the form 3 and new members were accompanied by our committee to the duty posts. The form 3 members were in charge to explain the rules of the duty posts to the new members while our committee members stood beside them and correct them if they said anything wrongly.



By 10 am, the orientation day ended successfully.

On 9 April 2016, Warden Traffic held their first gotong royong and kem latihan. The activity started at 8am sharp ended at 10am. All members were required to attend but some members were absent due to other activites and personal reasons.

The activity started off with cleaning the super corridor.The members were divided into two groups. One group wiped the steel fence and another group swept the floor.The members cleaned the super corridor thoroughly.

After that, the members attended the kem latihan. The objective of this kem latihan is to prepare the members that are taking the promotion test. The committees gave briefing on how to duty and things to pay attention to.

At 10am, the gotong-royong and training camp ended successfully.

15 July 2015, Warden Traffic organised a talk of road safety and laws for the members. Warden Traffic had invited the members of St.John Ambulans from Penang Chinese Girls High School to join the talk.

The event started 8.00 am sharp and ended on 3.30pm. It is held at the school auditrorium. The objective of organising this event is to improve the knowledge of road safety and laws of the members. Besides, it is also organised to help the members in their upcoming road safety test.

Our school admin, Miss Ong Lay Peng, had gave an opening speech for the event. She was pleased to see that most of the members had attended the event.

After the speech, the speakers started to give their talks.During the events, Warden Traffic had utilized the Swipe facillities. Warden Traffic had used ‘Khahoot’ for the members to play mini games about road safety.

The members enjoyed themselves that day and gained knowledge about road safety and the laws of road.

April 18 2015, Warden Traffic held a promotion test for all the form 2 and 3 members to test the members about the rules and regulation and some extra knowledge about the Warden Traffic.The exam was held at class B2 and it started on 8.30 am and end on 9.30 sharp.Those members which was attending the examination reached early to school to prepare their best in their exam.They did their best to answer all the questions in the exam paper.

Besides, Warden Traffic also have an orientation for the form 1 and form 2 trainees on the same day yet the same time during the Form 2&3 members were taking part in their exam. The objective of this orientation is to let those trainees get to know more about Warden Traffic and the ways of how to duty. It was required that all the new members need to reached on that day but some didn’t managed to reached due to some personal reasons and other activities.

After the paper test, the Form 2& From 3 members have a practical test. The practical test was mainly about explaining the ways to duty to those who were new and unfamiliar to Warden Traffic members.There were committees waiting at different duty stations to hear the explanation of the old members.After the explanation,those committees will give the old members marks which may affect their promotion.

At 10:30 am, the promotion test and the orientation for the new members have successfully ended.

由于新生的加入,所以在职守岗位与时间方面有些更改,请所有会员留意。根据以下的duty list来站岗.

Disebabkan kemasukan ahli baru, jadi beberapa perubahan telah diubahkan termasuk tempat dan masa tugas biasa, sila berikan perhatian. Ahli-ahli dimintakan supaya mengikut senarai tugas ini.

traffic mon-tuestraffic wed-thurs 2015

31 January 2015, it was Warden Traffic first training camp. The objective of this camp was to enhance the relationship between the members and to improve the members ‘ marching skills. All members of Warden Traffic was required to participate. The number of participants were satisfying, although some were absent due to other activities.

Well literally, it was a typical training camp. Most of the junior members were feeling anxious as they were afraid that they might be reprimanded by the seniors members. But it turn out all of the them got along quite well and their marching skill improved tremendously although it was only a short period of training. Obviously, it was yet satisfying for every single one of them and the day ended perfectly with laughter and joy.


















这个星期六(7/2)有Training Camp。时间是8.30am-10.30am。地点在Carpark 2。

由于中四将分上下午班,所以在职守岗位与时间方面有些更改,请所有会员留意。开学当天duty照常,也将根据以下的duty list.

Disebabkan tingkatan empat akan dibahagikan kepada kelas pagi dan petang, Jadi beberapa perubahan telah diubahkan termasuk tempat dan masa tugas biasa, sila berikan perhatian. Tugas mesti dijalankan oleh ahli seperti biasa pada Hari Pertama Buka Sekolah dan akan mengikut senarai tugas ini.

January Duty List

Pada 28 Jun 2014, Warden Trafik telah mengadakan aktiviti menaik bukit (hiking) pada 7.30 a.m. hingga 11.30a.m. Tujuan mengadakan aktiviti tersebut adalah untuk menyihatkan badan ahli warden trafik dan mengeratkan silaturahim antara satu sama lain. Kami juga mengadakan ‘ Station Game ‘ semasa kami menaiki bukit. Setiap ahli yang hadir saling membantu semasa menaiki bukit dan menuruni lurah yang amat bahaya. Walaupun letih, kami berasa gembira. Persis peribahsa ‘ badan sihat, otak cergas ‘.

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