Training Camp

Date: 27 January 2018

Time: 8.30 – 10.30 am

Venue: Afternoon session teachers’ carpark

On the 27th of January, Warden Traffic held their first training camp of the year at the afternoon session teachers’ carpark, from 8.30 – 10.30 am. All the members were required to attend but some were absent due to other activities and personal reasons.

The objective of this training camp was to increase the relationship between the members and to improve the members’ marching skill. Seniors who are experienced in marching helped to teach new members to march. The members improved their skills although it was only a short period of time learning. At 10.30 am sharp, the members are dismissed.

The senior members are marching.

The junior members are marching.

The members are lining up and waiting for command.

The members are listening attentively for the command.