Gotong royong and Training Camp

Date : 15 July 2017

Time :8:30 am-10:30 am

Venue : Carpark 2 ( Morning session Teacher’s carpark )

On 15th July 2017 , Warden Traffic held their second gotong royong and training camp at Carpark 2. The activity started at 8.30am and ended at 10.30am. All the members are required to attend but some are absent due to others activity and personal reason.

The activity started with the training camp. The objective of this training camp is to improve the members’ marching skills. Senior members taught the junior members how to march. After that, the members were divided into 2 groups and cleaned the supercorridor. The members wiped the steel fence and swept the floor.


At 10.30am, the gotong royong and training camp ended successfully.

Senior members are teaching the junior members to march.

The members are in marching form.

Some of the junior members are in a smaller group to learn.

Senior member is teaching the junior members.