Gotong- Royong & Mengecat
Date:28 January 2019
Time: 8am – 11am
Venue: Carpark 2
On 28th January 2019,Warden Traffic held a gotong royong & mengecat activity which includes cleaning the corridor and painting the carparks. The activity started at 8am and ended at 11am. All members are asked to attend but some were absent due to personal reasons.
All members were divided into few groups and were assigned to different places such as , carpark 2 , foyer and beside the corridor.They cooperated very well and made the work efficiently done .
At 11am sharp, the gotong- royong & mengecat activity ended sucessfully.

Preparation for mengecat

Members painting.

Traffic AGM

Date : 5 January 2019

Time: 8.00 – 9.30 am

Venue: Class A5

On the 5th of January, Warden Traffic held their annual AGM in class A5. This activity started at 8.00am and ended at 9.30am.

The activity kicked off with the introduction of teacher advisers of Warden Traffic. Firstly, Mr. Tan gave a talk, explaining the new rules as well as new expectations for Warden Traffic in 2019. This was followed by the president announcing the activities and special duties of year 2019 using swipe. While listening, the members jotted down the date of the activities in their notebooks. Then, the committees explained the new promotion test system to the trainees who are taking their promotion test this year. The committees also went through the rules of Warden Traffic and announced some new rules as well as reminding the members not to make mistakes that are stated. Furthermore, the members are also requested to give their opinions to our society for improvement.

After that, the committees announced the board of committee members of year 2019. The members who are chosen were given a briefing about their tasks and responsibilities by their respective seniors.

At 9.30am sharp, the AGM ended successfully and the members were dismissed.

The teachers are giving a talk for Traffic AGM 2019.

The committee is taking attendance of the members.


The members are listening attentively to the committees.


The new committee chosen is given a briefing about her tasks and responsibilities by her senior.